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Profile CV Dian Persada ( Notary Act Nadia, SH, MKn, Nr: 34,24.01.2017

Profile of CV Dian Persada 

(Notary Act: Nadia, SH, MKn. Reg.Nr: 34. Date: 24.01.2017) 

CV Dian Persada is dealing with the trading of different kinds of products ( Covering IT Products, Computer/Laptop, smartphones, Natural Herbs) which are distributed nationally for consumer, business, or government purposes. CV Dian Persada conducts import and export, buys a specialized range of products from producers, and importers, and then supplies it to the distributor or end customer/distributor. CV Dian Persada maintains enough stock and delivers products to end customers/Distributors. Different kinds of practical conditions make for many kinds of business. Currently, the two main core businesses of CV Dian Persada namely as importer & exporter and domestic trading company dealing with Gadget ( Laptop Computer and smartphones) and Natural Herbs. Maintain stock and deliver products to shops or large-end customers. When talking about "trading companies", today we refer mainly to global B2B traders, highly specialized in one goods category and with a strong logistic organization.
CV Dian Persada distributes faster using modern marketing have led to consumer need and satisfaction. CV Dian Persada is a “Trading company” using the trade of merchandise items by way of bargaining, exchange or consumer need and otherwise, in gross or by retail, or by persons who, either for themselves or as agents or factors for others, seek living by buying and selling commodities. CV Dian Persada specialists in its trading activities that cover its operations and procedures. CV Dian Persada buy products in one place and sold them in a different place where it has its own distribution network. The activities of CV Dian Persada include: 
- Identification of suppliers in a different place with the capacity to supply products at competitive prices.

- Negotiating the terms of sale and delivery of products.

- Financing and assurance of payment to the supplier-importer.

- Managing logistics and transport.

- Managing customs and barriers of international trade.

- Distribution and sale of the products through its retail network.
At present, CV Dian Persada specializes distribution of products all over Indonesia. Its function is to identify competitive suppliers, negotiate and purchase their products and sell them through a distribution network in Indonesia and neighboring countries. From a contractual point of view CV Dian Persada can act in several  ways: 

- CV Dian Persada establishes the marketing presence of national markets. Invoicing is done on the name of CV Dian Persada. The CV Dian Persada decide the distribution price and end customer price according to location. The relationship with its clients is established through national  social marketing media

- Agent/Distributor that want to buy a specific kind of products within a specific territory well known by the trading company. The responsibilities of the trading company may include, among others: identifying manufacturers and suppliers of products within the described territory; negotiating prices, terms of delivery and payment; and managing the transport of documents that comply with procedures.  The relationship with its clients is established through social marketing media.

- The exclusive distributor on a buy-sell basis. CV Dian Persada buys a manufacturer at a set price and resells at a price established by itself. The relationship with its clients is established through marketing media. 

Currently, the product dealing with CV Dian Persada covering:
1. Information Technology (IT) Product, Gadget (Laptop Computer Business Ultraportable  2ND and Various Brands Smartphone and Tablet) for 2ND condition  and New
2. Natural Herbs (Zam-zam Water, Zaitun Oil, Habbatus Sauda, Honey, Varash Oil, Propolis (S3 Indonesia, British Propolis, Melia Propolis)
3. Household /Office Appliance (such as Printer, Projector, Air Condition, Refrigerator (freeze), Television, Computer Table, etc.
4. The Agriculture commodity (in large quantity).

Contact and Information:

Call/WA CV Dian Persada is: +6281234582087 - 
Ust. Sofyan Kaoy Umar, (MA, CPIF) 

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